Bird Violin
Visual created for the film Sparrow’s Call (2023), written by Billie Vee and directed by Tim Kent, during its pre-production stages.
Festival Une Escale O Cirque
Visual created for the French circus school ‘Une Escale O Cirque’.
Ocaml Is People Tshirt
Designs created to print on different goods for the software company Tarides, which focuses on OCaml-based projects (hence the camel ‘mascot’).
Snow Caml Socks
Designs created to print on different goods for the software company Tarides, which focuses on OCaml-based projects (hence the camel ‘mascot’).
A Caml On Holiday
Designs created to print on different goods for the software company Tarides, which focuses on OCaml-based projects (hence the camel ‘mascot’).